Liability Roadmap
Polluters are fueling the climate crisis while raking in vast profits.
Polluters should be held liable—and pay for the damage they cause.
This roadmap shows decision-makers and movements how to use a variety of tools—at the local, national, and global levels—to hold them liable.
Polluting industries must be held liable for the damage they cause. Here, liability refers to using tools (legal, legislative, policy, cultural, etc.) to hold corporations and industries responsible for their roles in driving the climate crisis and undermining action to address it. Learn more: What is liability?
Polluting industries like the fossil fuel, mining, and agribusiness industries have fueled the climate crisis. They’ve reaped vast profits, all the while knowingly causing harm—and burdening communities around the world with the many social and economic costs of their business practices and climate disaster. Learn more: Why liability?
The roadmap contains guidance for decision-makers and movements at four levels of action: international, national, local, and multilevel. Under each, you’ll find a variety of approaches that you can harness depending upon the type of leadership you hold. Explore the roadmap below.
Explore the liability roadmap
Explore each level below to see how you can take action to hold polluting industries liable.
Advancing liability locally to globally relies on a combination of approaches: 1) strengthening international legal instruments and institutions that already exist, 2) drawing from best practices and precedents, and 3) enshrining new, bold, and visionary aspirations for what is needed to transform systems and advance justice.